The island became exposed due to the melting of Pine Island Glacier, located in West Antarctica

It began with the temperature rise, then the “watermelon snow”, and now an island was revealed.

Global warming has had evident consequences around the world. The unusual temperature changes, the forest fires in the Amazon and, more recently, in Australia, are only some examples of what climate change entails.

Finding an island in the middle of Antarctica is part of these changes.

A new island was discovered due to the inevitable melting of Pine Island Glacier, located in West Antarctica.

According to the information that has been broadcasted in several international media, and which is beginning to be analysed by the scientific world, the finding was made by a group of researchers from the United States, who were on a mission close to the area. They spotted the Island by chance. The experts named the new island Sif, after the Norse goddess of earth.

They reported the island has a length of more than 350 metres. The surface is mainly made up by granite rock.

Jim Marschalek, member of the expedition, stated that, regarding geology, Antarctica is so covered by ice that not much is known about it. Also, he added that there are no other rock outcroppings over 70 kilometres around, so it was a special opportunity